Release Checklist

  • Category: Task Planners
  • Platform: Microsoft Excel
  • Description: A visually appealing Release Checklist built for Excel that helps you track tasks while providing clear Deadline Visibility. Easily track tasks, assign responsibilities, and monitor your project's timeline and completion status..

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📃Task List : Quickly add, edit, and manage individual tasks. Mark each one as "In Progress", "Not Started", "On Hold", "Blocked", "Canceled", "Completed".

👥Task Assignment : Assign each task to a specific team member to ensure accountability.

⏱️Effort Tracking : Estimate and record the time required for each task, allowing you to stay on top of your project's total workload.

📈Progress Monitoring : View the percentage complete for each task, and see the overall checklist progress at a glance.

🔍Summary Widgets : Get real-time insights with widgets that display total hours, remaining hours, active tasks, completed tasks, and days left until the target deadline.

📆Timeline Visualization : See a progress bar that clearly shows how close you are to finalizing the checklist or project.

Customizable Settings ⚙️: Choose between tracking progress by task completion or average percentage across all tasks.

Get started with your planner

Learn how to get the most from your new planner

Configure the Settings sheet

Select the ‘Settings’ sheet and enter the following information:

  • Project Name: Give your project a name.
  • Start date: Enter the project Start date.
  • End date: Enter the project End date.
  • Team: List everyone who will be working across all projects.
  • Status: You may rename one or more of the default statuses.
  • General: Adjust preference options to your liking.

🟢 Tip: To remove an entry in the ‘Team’ list, right click on the entry and select ‘Delete -> Table Rows’.

Start creating tasks

The Checklist sheet is used to manage tasks. Each task contains the following columns:

  • Task: Enter the name of your task.
  • Status: Select a status from the dropdown menu.
  • Owner: Select someone from your team from the drop-down list.
  • Hours: Enter the effort required for each task (in hours format).
  • Progress: Enter a value between 0 and 100, which represents completion progress.
  • Notes: Feel free to leave a note or comment for this task (optional).

🟢 Tip: The 'Progress' tile in the upper status bar calculates the result by looking at task statuses by default. To use the Progress column instead, change the setting called 'Calculate completion by status or progress' to 'Progress' on the Settings sheet under 'General'.