Portfolio Dividend Planner

  • Category: Finance Planners
  • Platform: Microsoft Excel
  • Description: Plan, track & organize Stocks, Funds, ETFs, and more in this easy-to-use spreadsheet for Microsoft Excel. Designed to be intuitive and empower you to stay on top of your dividend income. A beautifully designed one-of-a-kind dashboard automatically shows you how much you'll make in passive income for the month and year. Your annual dividend Yield % is automatically displayed for you. This planner also lets you track your dividend income and then automatically displays beautiful visuals on the dashboard.

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✔️Modern & Easy to use interface
✔️Automated dashboard
✔️See total expected Dividend amount for the year & month
✔️See how much each Stock / Fund is expected to pay you each month & year
✔️See YOUR yield % per stock / Fund and total portfolio Yield average
✔️See your position weight to help stay diversified
✔️Income Tracker sheet let's you log your dividend and automatically updates the dashboard
✔️Instantly see how much each stock / fund has paid you each month

Get started with your planner

Learn how to get the most from your new planner


The Portfolio sheet is the first sheet you should fill out. Replace the sample data with your actual data from your broker.

Enter the Stock or Fund name

Enter the stock ticker symbol. Example: Apple's symbol is AAPL

Enter a description for this stock or fund. Example: Energy Sector

Total Invested
Enter the amount you have invested into this stock or fund so far. Your broker's investing platform can give you this amount.

Weight %
Do not enter any data in this field. It is automatically calculated. If the value shown seems incorrect, verify that the formula looks similar to this: =(E13/Data!C3)

Enter the number of shares you own. Your broker's investing platform can give you this amount.

Avg Price
Enter your average share price. Your broker's investing platform can give you this amount.

Yield %
Do not enter any data in this field. It is automatically calculated. If the value shown seems incorrect, verify that the formula looks similar to this: =(J13/H13

Annual Dividend
Enter the total amount the stock or fund pays per year. For example, if an ETF pays 0.10 per month, enter $1.20

Annual Income
Do not enter any data in this field. It is automatically calculated. If the value shown seems incorrect, verify that the formula looks similar to this: =G13*J13

Monthly Income
Do not enter any data in this field. It is automatically calculated. If the value shown seems incorrect, verify that the formula looks similar to this: =K13/12

How to add additional rows

If you have more than 10 stocks or funds in your portfolio, you will need to add additional rows.
To add a row, right click anywhere in the last row and select 'Insert' and 'Table Row Below'.
Adjust the Weight % formula by entering =(E13/Data!C3) where E13 is actually the 'Total Invested' cell for the row you just created.

🟢Tip: See formulas for previous stocks/funds and simply continue the pattern.

How to delete a row

If you need to delete a row, right click on a row, and select 'Delete' and 'Table Rows'


The Tracker sheet lets you manually track the amount of funds you receive each month. By doing so, you can easily how much each Stock or Fund is paying you per month. You can also see your total income amount by month. This data is also reflected in the Overview sheet. You may Add or Delete Columns in this sheet, depending on how many stocks or funds you own. Filling out the Tracker sheet is optional.


Once you have filled out the Portfolio & Tracker sheets, the Overview sheet will give you a clean, birds eye view of your Portfolio's status.
You don't need to input any information on this sheet - simply review the dashboard to understand the following:

🟢How much money have you invested into the market
🟢How much money is the marketing paying you
🟢What's your annual dividend yield
🟢How many positions are you holding
🟢How much weight does each position hold
🟢How much has each stock or fund paid you, based on the Tracker sheet
🟢How much have you received each month so far this year